What is J3 Consulting? J3 Consulting is a minority women-owned small business provided management consulting and IT solutions services operating as a limited liability corporation (LLC) since 2007. Our mission is your success.
Where is J3 Consulting located? J3 Consulting is located in Glenn Dale, Maryland. As such, we are in easy reach of our clients in the Washington Metropolitan area, Baltimore, Maryland and Annapolis, Maryland.
How is J3 Consulting classified under the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)? J3 Consulting’s business is classified under the primary NAICS code 541611-Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services. Who are some of J3 Consulting’s clients? J3 Consulting’s executives have provided management consulting services to several agencies in the U. S. Department of Transportation (DOT)—including the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). J3 Consulting will provide contact information for references when requested.
What is the easiest way to do business with J3 Consulting? J3 Consulting is able to invoice clients via e-mail and accept payment for services via credit card payment. J3 Consulting is an authorized participating dealer and authorized agent/reseller on the Synnex GSA Schedule Program for Hardware and Software product on GSA Schedule 70.
Who do I contact for more information about J3 Consulting? For more information, please contact Delmas Johnson (delmasjohnson@verizon.net or 301-821-5598) or Raleigh Johnson (raleighjohnson@verizon.net or 301-802-6676).